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Content Marketing KPIs

Content marketing KPIs are measurable performance indicators that track the content marketing team’s ability to create and distribute valuable and engaging content that meets the company’s marketing objectives. These KPIs monitor the effectiveness of the team’s content strategy in increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, and generating leads and sales. Content marketing is critical for building brand credibility and establishing the company’s authority in its industry, making it a crucial component of any digital marketing strategy. Therefore, tracking and measuring the team’s content marketing KPIs are essential for the company’s success in today’s digital landscape.

Content Marketing KPIs Reporting Dashboard

Content Marketing Engagement Objectives

Content marketing engagement objectives or KPIs are designed to track and measure the extent to which visitors to your website engage with the site, with the ultimate goal of answering the site’s CTA. Metrics like bounce rate, the results of heat maps and click patterns, and page views are relevant.

  • Increase overall traffic – This KPI tracks and measures the overall traffic to your brand’s website over time. The higher this metric, the greater the number of visitors to your website, and the greater the chance of converting visitors into customers.
  • Reduce bounce rate – The bounce rate measures how quickly visitors to the site move off the website. The ideal bounce rate is that visitors stay long enough to answer the site’s CTA. If the bounce rate is shorter than the ideal rate, the customer leaves the site without answering the CTA.

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  • Improve the use of heat maps and click patterns – Heat maps and click patterns are useful tools designed to illustrate how your website’s target audience engages with a web page and its content. This KPI is valuable in determining whether and how a web page must be redesigned to improve customer conversion rates.
  • Increase page values – The page value KPI is designed to track and measure the value of a page that a visitor to your site landed on before reaching the goal page or answering the site’s CTA. This metric aims to provide an idea of which website pages add to the site’s income generation activities. 
  • Increase the Time on Page – This KPI tracks and measures the time an individual visitor spends on a webpage over time. The higher this metric, the greater the chance that the visit will answer the page or site’s CTA and convert from a visitor to a returning customer.
  • Improve scroll depth – Scroll depth is a Google Analytics plugin that allows you to measure how far down a web page visitors are scrolling. It tracks the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% mark. This KPI tracks the scroll depth for each web page, optimizing the placement of crucial content like CTA buttons.
  • Increase inbound links – This KPI tracks and measures the number of inbound links linked to your website or a blog post with a link to your site. This metric determines your brand’s credibility as well as the quality of your content. The higher this KPI, the higher the content’s value and credibility.

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Content Marketing Reach Objectives

Content marketing reach objectives (KPIs) track and measure what traction or impact your content marketing strategy has had or made over time. This includes elements like unique visits, visitor geographic locations, and what percentage of visitors to your site have accessed it via a mobile device.

  • Increase unique visits – The unique visits KPI tracks and measures how many individuals have viewed your content over time (typically 30 days). This metric provides a useful baseline to compare different forms of content and trends over time. The higher this KPI, the more successful the site is at attracting new visitors.
  • Increase mobile readership – This KPI tracks and measures the number of website visitors accessing the site via a mobile device. Mobile devices are gaining traction over desktop and laptop devices. It is essential to ensure that your website is easily accessible via a mobile device. Otherwise, the site’s bounce rate will increase.

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  • Increase organic rankings – Organic ranking is the position that your website ranks on the Google SERP without being influenced by paid advertising. The number one position on the SERP receives about 33% of all search traffic, so it is critical to use content marketing to improve your site’s organic ranking on the SERP.
  • Increase the internal links’ Click-Through Rate (CTR) – This KPI tracks and measures the ratio of visitor clicks on an internal web page to the total number of visitors to the web page. These pages are part of the sales funnel that encourages visitors to enter and exit after answering the site’s CTA or purchased products or services.
  • Improve content attribution – The content marketing attribution model consists of a set of user actions that contribute to the desired outcome, like answering the site’s CTA. The model assigns a value to each user action, showing which combination of events results in the desired behaviors. This KPI measures the attribution model’s value.
  • Improve the overall ROI – The overall ROI KPI tracks and measures the overall return on investment for the content marking strategy. This is calculated by subtracting the content marketing growth from the revenue growth and then dividing the result by the content marketing costs: the higher this metric, the greater the company’s profitability ratio.

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Content Marketing Sentiment Objectives

Content marketing sentiment objectives or KPIs are designed to track and measure what the brand’s target audience feels about the brand. Sentiment is typically expressed through social media and blog post comments, whether posts are shared on social media or not, and whether the brand market share increases or decreases.

  • Increase comments – This KPI tracks and measures the number of comments and user interactions left on a web content piece linking back to the brand’s web page. These comments are a useful indication that your content marketing strategy is impacting readers and driving traffic to your brand’s website.
  • Increase social shares – This KPI tracks and measures the number of social shares a blog post has. Valuable content will have a higher engagement rate. Your audience is more likely to share content that they have found to be helpful.

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  • Improve brand market share – The brand market share is the percentage of sales attributable to the brand in relation to the total number of sales in the brand’s industry over time; the higher this metric, the greater the brand’s reach, and the higher the sales’ figures.
  • I am bold in the decisions I make and the actions I take for the organization – Making decisions is empowering. Employers should encourage employees to make decisions based on the gathering of relevant facts to support the decision. It is equally important for employees to take responsibility for the actions they take and should be bold or fearless in the decisions that they make.

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Content Marketing Customer Acquisition Objectives

The content marketing customer acquisition objectives or KPIs measure how well the content marketing strategy is bringing in new customers. These KPIs are designed to facilitate the process of creating a systematic, sustainable acquisition strategy that can evolve as trends change and evolve.

  • Increase customer conversions – The customer conversion rate is one of the most critical content marketing metrics to track. The higher the customer conversion metrics, the greater the sales figures. This KPI tracks and measures the customer conversion rate over time for the content marketing strategy.
  • Increase the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) – The Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) KPI measures the total value (the total number of sales) an individual customer has added to the company throughout their life. It costs less to retain existing customers than it does to acquire new customers, so it’s essential to keep track of this metric.

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  • Improve customer retention – The customer retention KPI tracks and measures the ratio between the number of new and existing customers. This is to ensure that the company is prioritizing the retention of existing customers. It is cheaper to retain existing customers than to convert new customers.
  • Improve the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) – The Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is defined as the total cost of converting individual visitors into returning customers. It is costly to convert visitors into returning customers. This KPI tracks and measures the CAC over time: the lower the cost, the greater the company’s top, and bottom lines. 
  • Improve leads – The number of leads generated by the content marketing strategy is vital for future sales. This KPI tracks and measures the number of leads generated for a particular content marketing strategy. The higher this metric, the greater the number of customer conversions, and the higher the sales figures.
  • Increase subscribers – The page value KPI tracks and measures the worth of a web page that a visitor to your site landed on before reaching the goal page or answering the site’s CTA. This metric aims to provide an idea of which website pages add to the site’s income generation activities.

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These content marketing KPIs are fundamental to ensuring that the content marketing team meets its core efficiencies. Content marketing has taken the forefront in the global digital marketing ambit. Therefore, measuring these objectives is vital to organizational success. They focus on tracking metrics grouped together in the content marketing reach, engagement, sentiment, and customer acquisition result areas.

It is vital to measure and track these objectives because they offer insight into the content marketing strategy’s impact on the brand’s target audience. Metrics like customer conversion rate and customer lifetime value determine how effective the strategy is at converting visitors to returning customers and the total value that the company realizes per customer over their entire purchase lifecycle.

High performing metrics are prized, for it means that the marketing strategy is effective. On the other hand, the implementation of low performing metrics needs to be revisited to ensure that their performance improves over time.

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